Savior Complex
Savior Complex explores the mystery of life and all things spiritual, with curiosity and a sense of humor (thank god). Join co-hosts and New York based artists Emily Olcott and Kiko Soirée, as they introspect through personal awakenings, emotional healing, self-help and ask life’s greatest questions, such as, "what is the purpose of Life?' and “what exactly is 5D?" and "so I know I died in Atlantis but...what next?" Savior Complex invites lovers and listeners everywhere to join them as they explore the sea of self-help, ponder the mysteries of the Universe, and embark on their dead serious journey to enlightenment. @saviorcomplexpodcast @kikosoiree @emilyolcott
22 episodes
22: How To Flow, Not Fight…Or Is "Processing" Out?!
Well… it’s 2025, and lovers, what a start to the year. The energy is combustible and wild, both geopolitically and astrologically, so we hope you’re holding your loved ones and community tight. Hot off January 25th’s six-planet alignment, Lunar...

21: How To Shift a Victim Mindset…with Prayer and a Pet Psychic
Happy New Year, lovers! We’ve had a divine 2024 livelaughloving with you, and we have a very exciting announcement for 2025: we’re launching a new pod format! Starting this month, each ep will be centered around a ‘How To’. We’ll tackle a diffi...
Season 1
Episode 21

20: I Think I Unlocked Human Behavior
Sensual and meaningful inhale,Deep and cleansing exhale that also unlocks the shadow within,Hello to our lovers from this post-election, unseasonably warm Scorpio season thin veil autumn (more on that in the ep). We’re send...

19: Florence Pugh and Life From the Neck Down
It’s back to school, lovers! Kiko and Emily are thrilled to return to the pod after a summer hiatus, just in time for the transition from fiery, wild Leo season to the cleansing harvest energies of Virgo season. In this ep, Kiko and Emily dive ...
Season 1
Episode 19

18: When Is It My Turn to Be Healed by a Horse?
Hey lovers! It’s summer, it’s Pride (happy pride), it’s the end of Gemini Season and the beginning of Cancer Season, it’s Solstice time, there’s TWO Capricorn full moons in the mix - whew! In this ep, Kiko and Emily explore the swirling waters ...
Season 1
Episode 18

17: A Collective Deep Sigh
It’s post-eclipse season integration time and Taurus season, and the collective energy is focused on the heavy work of unearthing the truth. So if you’ve been feeling gutted, directionless, sad, or untethered lately… you’re in good company ridi...
Season 1
Episode 17

16: I’ve Been Thinking About the Sun Lately
Chirp chirp, it’s spring cleaning time, blossoms! Kiko and Emily are here with a fresh transmission just in time for Mercury Retrograde/Eclipse Season - be careful out there please!! In this ep, we dive into the shimmering radiance and silence ...
Season 1
Episode 16

15: So What’s Your Biggest Flaw?
Happy midwinter, blossoms! It’s Aquarius Season, we’ve just passed the threshold of Imbolc and we’re anticipating the Lunar New Year, so strap in for a discussion of our roles within the human and ecological collective, and our responsibility t...
Season 1
Episode 15

14: There and Back Again
Happy New Year, Blossoms! It’s 2024, it’s a Universal 8 Year, and Kiko and Emily are both emerging from a Dark Time™ - let’s get into it! Emily shares about her current “nothingness” phase of grief and Kiko fills us in on a recent experience of...
Season 1
Episode 14

13: Sob Episode :')
Just in time for the mystery and intrigue of eclipse season, Kiko and Emily are back, little *blossoms*. But we must warn you: if you’re not into weeping or sitting with the reality of infinite unknowable mystery, consider skipping (but also un...
Season 1
Episode 13

12: Is It Ok to Say That I’m Happy?
Knock knock, lovers - the angels are working overtime this sweaty-@$$ summer and Kiko and Emily want to know: are you ready to receive (bottom)? In this episode, Kiko boldly demonstrates how moving apartments in New York City can actually be a ...
Season 1
Episode 12

11: Garbage and Flowers
In this episode, Kiko and Emily report to you live from the trenches of this most recent Mercury Retrograde aka merc wreck… get it trending… 🚨 Tender Sensitive Belly Zone🚨: Kiko opens up about having to be perfect (vulnerable in a cool way), Em...
Season 1
Episode 11

10: Living in the Ness
The coffee is flowing, the energy is wild, and spring has sprung in this latest ep, lovers!! 🌸 🌼 🌷 In this ep discuss honoring our experiences as vast energetic beings, explore the practice of self-acceptance in moments of self-betraya...
Season 1
Episode 10

9: Visions of a Secret Garden
Happy Aquarius Season lovers :) In this episode, Kiko and Emily explore the spiritual power of mindfulness and choosing vision over pain, the healing process of reclaiming cycles and falling in love with yourself. It is also revealed that one o...
Season 1
Episode 9

8: Getting Clear and Owning Fear
Happy New Year, lovers! At the close of 2022, Kiko and Emily dig into their end-of-year experiences with holiday anxieties and miracles. Kiko recounts how their heart grew “a little bit” through an act of random generosity, and Emily reflects b...
Season 1
Episode 8

7: Swamptime™️
Hello lovers, how good of you to join us! In this episode, Kiko and Emily dive into the murky waters of the past Scorpio season, and share their findings from the depths, transforming pain into “...it’s ok, I’m ok”. Emily uncovers some old fear...
Season 1
Episode 7

6: Summer of Healing
Hi lovers, remember us?! Kiko and Emily are back after a summer sabbatical – with reflections to share, of course! Kiko opens up about their summer journey of deeper self-acceptance and belonging through a contemplation and embodiment of gender...
Season 1
Episode 6

5: The Akashic Records with Kat Hunt
Kiko and Emily venture into the vast spiritual wilds of the Akashic Records with their inaugural guest, Kat Hunt! A practitioner and divine guide to the records, Kat shares about her journey to becoming a spiritual healer and embodying her chan...
Season 1
Episode 5

4: Intro to Woo Woo
Kiko and Emily get so excited to dish on all the far out belief systems they’re obsessed with, but somehow, over the course of an hour, never quite get into any of them…BUT…isn’t it all about the journey, not the destination? In their first eve...
Season 1
Episode 4

3: What Is the “Point” of My “Life”?
Emily and Kiko talk about ‘Gifts’, and the exciting, agonizing paradox of uncovering your life purpose. They tackle the mammoth question, “Who Am I?” (are you a black iPod or white iPod?), consider the importance of external validation, ...
Season 1
Episode 3

2: The Journey Begins... (Part II)
The journey continues! In Part II, Kiko shares their story about growing up with religious roots, negotiating cultural and societal expectations, and charting their spiritual awakening through artistic practices and personal liberation.
Season 1
Episode 2

1: The Journey Begins... (Part I)
Emily and Kiko kick off the inaugural episode of Savior Complex! They retrace their paths to spirituality and unpack their shared fascination with the mystery of life. In Part I, Emily shares her story of walking through the door to sobriety, r...
Season 1
Episode 1