Savior Complex
Savior Complex explores the mystery of life and all things spiritual, with curiosity and a sense of humor (thank god). Join co-hosts and New York based artists Emily Olcott and Kiko Soirée, as they introspect through personal awakenings, emotional healing, self-help and ask life’s greatest questions, such as, "what is the purpose of Life?' and “what exactly is 5D?" and "so I know I died in Atlantis but...what next?" Savior Complex invites lovers and listeners everywhere to join them as they explore the sea of self-help, ponder the mysteries of the Universe, and embark on their dead serious journey to enlightenment. @saviorcomplexpodcast @kikosoiree @emilyolcott
Savior Complex
14: There and Back Again
Happy New Year, Blossoms! It’s 2024, it’s a Universal 8 Year, and Kiko and Emily are both emerging from a Dark Time™ - let’s get into it! Emily shares about her current “nothingness” phase of grief and Kiko fills us in on a recent experience of professional disappointment and the (partially seasonal) depression that ensued. But chin up Blossoms - this ep dives deep on how to move through life’s low points and how to appreciate the wisdom and expansion that emerge when it’s darkest before the dawn. Plus we talk ins and out for the year like people-pleasing (obviously out), debilitating horniness (quite in), and “the system” (out in a BIG WAY). The 2024 paradigm of ease, play, and embracing our Samara-in-the-well life moments awaits you… Kisses!
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