Savior Complex
Savior Complex explores the mystery of life and all things spiritual, with curiosity and a sense of humor (thank god). Join co-hosts and New York based artists Emily Olcott and Kiko Soirée, as they introspect through personal awakenings, emotional healing, self-help and ask life’s greatest questions, such as, "what is the purpose of Life?' and “what exactly is 5D?" and "so I know I died in Atlantis but...what next?" Savior Complex invites lovers and listeners everywhere to join them as they explore the sea of self-help, ponder the mysteries of the Universe, and embark on their dead serious journey to enlightenment. @saviorcomplexpodcast @kikosoiree @emilyolcott
Savior Complex
7: Swamptime™️
Hello lovers, how good of you to join us! In this episode, Kiko and Emily dive into the murky waters of the past Scorpio season, and share their findings from the depths, transforming pain into “’s ok, I’m ok”. Emily uncovers some old fears and wounds, and ponders how to rest - like, no, like, REALLY rest. Kiko talks forgiveness (ever heard of it?) and prayer (okay, now we’re pushing it) - and how surrendering to both can lead to heart-healing and eye-opening experiences. They cover autumnal gratitude, Emily’s birthday and a new birthday candle, @birthdateco (we love you), the void, the galaxy, and most importantly, aliens.
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