Savior Complex
Savior Complex explores the mystery of life and all things spiritual, with curiosity and a sense of humor (thank god). Join co-hosts and New York based artists Emily Olcott and Kiko Soirée, as they introspect through personal awakenings, emotional healing, self-help and ask life’s greatest questions, such as, "what is the purpose of Life?' and “what exactly is 5D?" and "so I know I died in Atlantis but...what next?" Savior Complex invites lovers and listeners everywhere to join them as they explore the sea of self-help, ponder the mysteries of the Universe, and embark on their dead serious journey to enlightenment. @saviorcomplexpodcast @kikosoiree @emilyolcott
Savior Complex
10: Living in the Ness
The coffee is flowing, the energy is wild, and spring has sprung in this latest ep, lovers!! 🌸 🌼 🌷 In this ep discuss honoring our experiences as vast energetic beings, explore the practice of self-acceptance in moments of self-betrayal, get honest about using humor as a beautiful processing tool vs using humor to deflect (guilty as charged), and share the interconnectivity between Dunkin, LiveJournal, and being horny pigs for certain actors on Grey’s Anatomy. As a special treat, we bring back SOS (Save Our Souls) our sweet, sweet advice segment (ya we DO actually check that google form for submissions).
- Follow @saviorcomplexpodcast for podcast updates and @kikosoiree @emilyolcott for nud3s
- Want to ask an anonymous question? Submit to our advice segment ⓢⓞⓢ - here 😎
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