Savior Complex
Savior Complex explores the mystery of life and all things spiritual, with curiosity and a sense of humor (thank god). Join co-hosts and New York based artists Emily Olcott and Kiko Soirée, as they introspect through personal awakenings, emotional healing, self-help and ask life’s greatest questions, such as, "what is the purpose of Life?' and “what exactly is 5D?" and "so I know I died in Atlantis but...what next?" Savior Complex invites lovers and listeners everywhere to join them as they explore the sea of self-help, ponder the mysteries of the Universe, and embark on their dead serious journey to enlightenment. @saviorcomplexpodcast @kikosoiree @emilyolcott
Savior Complex
18: When Is It My Turn to Be Healed by a Horse?
Hey lovers! It’s summer, it’s Pride (happy pride), it’s the end of Gemini Season and the beginning of Cancer Season, it’s Solstice time, there’s TWO Capricorn full moons in the mix - whew! In this ep, Kiko and Emily explore the swirling waters of paradox. Kiko opens up about the physical experience of shame yet the freedom of more emotional embodiment; Emily shares about feeling unmoored yet more psychically connected within that lost feeling. And naturally, we talk about horses for a really long time…including the movie Spirit, shadow work, double rainbows, earth magic, Jesus Christ (ever heard of he/him?), and, briefly, penises (a pod first!). So horse girls, pansexuals, and lovers alike, pour yourself a refreshing lemonade, rise up (sit down) and get into a relaxing and intimate summer ep :) And of course, follow us @saviorcomplexpodcast on IG if you haven’t already! :)
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